WARNING - Work in Progress

WARNING - Work in Progress
WARNING - Work in Progress

Sunday, November 3, 2019

What About The Cross? - 11/2/2019

Warning Preachy...

Think about the Roman Cross for a moment. It was a device to kill men, perfectly. It’s cruelty was its genius in that it tortured as it took its own sweet time killing its captive. The person hanging on the cross would suffocate if they did not push themselves up against the stakes holding them in. They were hung nude, thus exposing their shame, especially when their bladder and bowels were forced by the pain to expel themselves.  And the process would take hours upon hours to complete.

It was the Cross that the early believers preached for it was the “power of God”.

Today we don’t hear about the Cross much. It’s a radical thing really, because if it wasn’t for this implement of death mankind could not have life. For God required death as the justice for sin and what better way to exult that death than in the Cross?

I think we need more preaching on the topic of the Cross. A.W. Tozer’s Radical Cross is an excellent example. I think we need to learn of the radicalness of the Cross and maybe we wouldn’t think hanging it around our necks, from our earlobes, or on the wall of our houses for adornment would be so attractive.  To me, hanging the Cross around my neck would be like hanging a noose, a guillotine, or an electric chair around my neck. For the Cross really is an ugly thing and should call us to shame that our sin made it ever necessary in the first place. At the sight of the Cross we should feel the reverence of the reality, but instead it‘s become a common thing to us: and all it takes to make something unholy is to make it common. So then it is, the Cross where God defeated the power of Sin for us has become a simple and common adornment for our dress.

Have you considered the Cross?Do you feel it’s shame? Do you feel it beckoning you to fall to your knees in anguish and repentance?  Or is that sort of stuff just foolishness to you?  

Today, allow the Cross of Jesus to inform your soul of your utter need for the grace of His death. And when you do, you will recognize it’s awful (fully awesome) power for your soul.
For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. - 1 Corinthians 1:18

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