WARNING - Work in Progress

WARNING - Work in Progress
WARNING - Work in Progress

Thursday, June 27, 2019

RHV: The yet to be written Rock Holiness Version of the Holy Bible – 06/27/2019

Romans 3:23

For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; (KJV)

Please excuse me while I let my inner nerd show for a moment…

The Greek word ὑστερέω (pronounced who-ster-eh-oh) that is translated as “come short” in the King James Version of the Bible is the typical translation of all translations of the New Testament.  The most common translation, I believe, is to render it “fall short”.

I believe this ὑστερέω (pronounced who-ster-eh-oh) is mistranslated in that it understates the reality of things.  

First, the word “sin” tells us that we are unholy.  Sin is UNholiness in comparison to God’s Holiness.  The very act of Sin is ANTI-God and is the reason for the separation of God and man in the first place.  Sin places us outside of the garden or the very presence of God the Father.  

Second, to come or fall short suggests that the sinner came somewhere close.  But the Holiness of God demands that we weren’t even close, in fact, we weren’t even in the same plane of existence.

Third, because of our sin, there is no way possible that we could get anywhere near God’s gloriousness without the covering of Jesus’ Holy blood as our protection and this is the point that the Apostle Paul is making in this chapter.

The Greek word here has a variant of meanings and so I suggest a translation that communicates the vast chasm between God’s Holiness and our sinfulness as the better.   

A couple of the ways this word can be understood is with the meaning of the thing that is ὑστερέω (pronounced who-ster-eh-oh) is inferior in status and deficient.  I think this idea is closer to the reality of our “falling short”.  So with this I offer my own translation.

Romans 3:23

For all have sinned, and are deficiently inferior of the glory of God; (RHV)

I believe that this translation best pairs the reality of our sin with the Glory of God's Holiness to better show our utter need for the redemption of Christ our Savior.  For the idea, in my mind, of falling short is like getting a spare in the game of bowling; for if I keep trying I might get closer until I eventually get the strike.

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