WARNING - Work in Progress

WARNING - Work in Progress
WARNING - Work in Progress

Friday, March 16, 2018

The Jewish Me – 3/18/2018


Jeremiah 31:31-34 (NIV)
31 “The days are coming,” declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant
with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah. 32 It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a husband to them,” declares the Lord.

33 “This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time,” declares the Lord.  ”I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. 34 No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest,” declares the Lord. “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.”
I have listed all the sermons in Acts below in a chart (I stole this from a website that in turn stole it from a book).  What is interesting in all of these sermons is that it does not sound a bit like what I hear at my church (and I say “my church” meaning the protestant church in general).  As I peruse the themes below I realize something that is missing, can you tell what it is?  What’s missing is the class on the authority of the Scriptures.  While the authority of the Scripture is indeed an important class the early church did not start there – if ever they went there. 

I’ve been reading a book by N.T. Wright called Paul, A Biography[1] (Buy it here! http://a.co/7CdwKpl) and I was alerted to the fact that the Apostle Paul was a first century Jewish man who understood the Gospel of Jesus differently than I do as a twenty-first century Christian.

Well Duh that makes absolute sense!  That explains why Paul doesn’t write with an Enlightenment world view nor with a dominant Reformed perspective.  Dr. Wright is correct when he states that if this is how we read our New Testaments then we are misreading it.

Now to Jeremiah, the passage above.

This proclamation by the Prophet is the promise of God.  It is the promise of God from all the way back in the beginning in Genesis 12 when God promised Abram that He would make him into a great nation so that he could be a blessing to the nations.  For the Jews, this was the Gospel (the Good News), that God had at long last fulfilled His promise and redeemed the Israelites through the Messiah – Jesus Christ! 

The reason however that there was so much issue from the Jewish community was that the Jews did not believe that God would use a crucified Messiah to redeem them, many (most) would not believe that it would be through shame and weakness that God would restore Israel.  I guess they expected to have a little less egg on their faces when God “defeated” the nations.  But for the Apostles and Jesus it was a gospel of how the Kingdom of God had come, and was here, and for Paul, the fulfillment of God’s promise was about how He has used Israel to usher in the blessing to the Gentiles through their Crucified Messiah.

As I read Dr. Wright’s book I am becoming aware of how completely Enlightened and reformed I am in my thinking and I’m considering that I need to take a course in how to think Jewish.  I have been grafted into the Jewish family of Abraham (Romans 11:11-31) and I have been adopted (Ephesians 1:5) into the very family of God – even though I am a Gentile!  (And you are too unless you are Jewish: then no, not you.)
This changes everything for me.  Instead of a Gospel that asks if you are “going to heaven when you die?”  The question is now “are you a part of the Kingdom of God while you live?”  For indeed Jesus was crucified on the Cross to destroy the sin and death of Adam and gives you new life that you might live and be a blessing to the nations!  The gospel I am used to is self-focused where this gospel saves me so that I will be a blessing.  I like it! I think I’ll preach it.
Back in the Garden Adam and Eve ate the fruit of a tree that brought them death.  Now, through the crucified Messiah we are brought to a tree that gives us life.  

John 15:5
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

Major Sermons and Preaching in the Book of Acts
Peter to Crowds at Pentecost
Peter’s Explanation of Pentecost
Acts 2:14-40
Peter to Crowds at the Temple
The Jewish People should repent for crucifying the Messiah
Acts 3:12-26
Peter to the Sanhedrin
Testimony that a helpless man was healed by the power of Jesus
Acts 4:5-12
Stephen to the Sanhedrin
Stephen reviews Jewish history, accusing the Jews of killing the Messiah
Acts 7
Philip to the Samaritans
Philip flees Jerusalem after the stoning of Stephen and begins to preach to the Samaritans
Acts 8:5
Peter to Gentiles
Gentiles can be saved in the same manner as Jews
Acts 10:28-47
Peter to church at Jerusalem
Peter’s Testimony of his experiences at Joppa and a defense of this ministry to the Gentiles
Acts 11:4-18
Paul to Synagogue at Antioch
Jesus was the Messiah in fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies
Acts 13:16-41
Paul and Barnabus at Iconium
Paul and Barnabus spoke boldly in Iconium’s Jewish Synagogue, causing many to believe and disbelievers to stir up opposition
Acts 14:3-7
Peter to Jerusalem Council
Salvation by grace available to all
Acts 15:7-11
James to Jerusalem Council
Gentile converts do not require circumcision
Acts 15:13-21
Paul and Silas in Prison
Paul and Silas preach to the prison guard after a terrible earthquake
Acts 16:31
Paul in Athens at the Areopagus
Paul preaches the Gospel in the Athenian culture that has no knowledge of the God of Judaism
Acts 17:22-35
Paul to Ephesian Elders
Remain faithful in spite of false teachers and persecution
Acts 20:17-35
Paul to crowd at Jerusalem
Paul’s statement of his conversion and his mission to the Gentiles
Acts 22:1-21
Paul to Sanhedrin
Paul’s defense declaring himself a Pharisee and Roman Citizen
Acts 23:1-6
Paul’s defense before Felix in Caesarea
Paul proclaims his righteousness and judgment to come
Acts 24:10-21
Paul to King Agrippa
Paul’s statement of his conversion and zeal for the Gospel
Acts 26:2-23
Paul to Jewish leaders at Rome
Paul’s statement about his Jewish Heritage
Acts 28:17-20[2]

[1] Paul, A Biography, 2018: N.T. Wright.  http://a.co/7CdwKpl
[2] https://www.leadershipresources.org/blog/list-of-sermons-in-acts/

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