I am writing about a Podcast[1]
that I listened to which talked about how the priorities of aviation can share
the priorities of ministry. These
priorities are simply to:
Aviate (properly fly the plane), then to
Navigate (determine how to get to your
destination and get there), and after those two priorities have been met then
we can
Communicate (radio others about what is
happening out here)
This morning I am completing my discussion with the third
priority of aviation – Communication and
my Christian faith.
So in following the priorities I am confident in my faith. Because of the resurrection of Jesus from the
dead my plane is indeed flying[2]
flat and level. And since my plane is in
the air I am now navigating, living my Christian life being guided by the Holy
Spirit of Jesus[3]. Since these first two priorities are realized
then I can move onto the third priority of my faith: Communicating.
I once listened to a podcast by a guy name Roy H. Williams (aka. TheWizard of Ads) who is a marketing guy.
His main point is that how a message is delivered is not nearly as
important as what the core message is[4]. His point leads me to conclude that too
often we preachy type people get distracted from the core message of what we
are trying to communicate. I believe
this is because we get focused on the how to communicate rather than keeping focused on exactly the what we want to communicate. So in this post I am going
to suggest the what of the Christian communication.
The Christian, no matter the method,
needs to communicate the Gospel and the word gospel means “good news”.
So what is the "Good News" of Christianity? Simply that a man named Jesus has redeemed us
– All of us.
It’s true. When
Jesus died on the cross he did so to pay the penalty of sin and to conquer
death in this world. With his shed blood mankind was
released from the enslavement to sin and the Law. Jude verse five points this out.
“Though you already know all this, I want to remind you
that the Lord at one time delivered his people out of Egypt, but later
destroyed those who did not believe.”
Jude 5
What Jude is reminding us here is that when God redeemed
the Israelites from the Egyptian enslavement (back in the days of Moses) he did
so completely. He redeemed every last
one of them taking them all out of Egypt.
But it was later when those who would not believe that were destroyed.
This makes the Gospel Message really Good News and worthy of our rejoicing and celebration but if (as the Scriptures state) we having been redeemed by the blood of Jesus and still refuse to believe and repent then there is nothing left but judgement.
So we recognize our plane is indeed flying and we are genuinely
navigating our way through this life on our way to eternity with Jesus, we
communicate to the world that the blood of Jesus has indeed set us on our way
and if you want, there is a plane called faith just waiting for you as well.
The Christian communication is actually quite simple, the question is always if anyone out there is hearing it or not.
The Christian communication is actually quite simple, the question is always if anyone out there is hearing it or not.