WARNING - Work in Progress

WARNING - Work in Progress
WARNING - Work in Progress

Sunday, November 1, 2015


Colossians 3:12-25 - 4:1 (Part 1)

There is a lot in these 14 versus but it must be kept in context so I am leaving the verses together and plan to write about the pieces as I go along.

There are four topics addressed here:

1. Christian Ethical Attitudes (3:12-17)
2. A Family’s Christian Ethic (3:18-21)
3. An Employee’s Christian Ethic (3:22-25)
4. An Employer’s Christian Ethic (4:1)

These verses are to be understood in the context of the preceding verses.  The first part of this chapter tells us what it means to be a Christian by informing us what we need to shed from our Christian lives.  The Apostle Paul’s words direct us to put on certain attitudes of Christian living.  Compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiveness, and putting on love: All these things are what it means to make up the Christian landscape of the church.  I in no way claim to be good at these things but it is certainly true that if adopted these sort of Christian conducts (ethics) would solve most problems in my life.

The point is that as Christ followers we are expected to live by a new set of guiding ethics:  Ethics which oppose the common self-focused actions of our culture.  As Christians we are different than what we were and as Paul states next, we live ethics that naturally bleed over into our daily lives as parents, children, spouses, employees, and employers.

However, these are topics for the next time.  For now, read through these first 25 verses of Colossians 3 and get acquainted with the Christian ethic, you may discover that there is a deviation between the normal Christianity that we often identify with and the Christianity that Paul is leading us to live.


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